Wednesday 24 December 2014

Test Automation : How testing tool selection can help improve testing efficiency

This blog is written on software test automation with an objective to make readers understand about automation testing. Through this, one can also get knowledge on how the selection of tools is important for improving efficiency of testing process.

Importance of selecting the right testing tool :

For any software test automation process, the success depends on identifying and selecting the right and best suited automation tool. The best method to achieve the expected target in software testing is to make correct selection of automation testing tool. This will improve the testing productivity and reducing the  project cost of a test project.

Type of test automation tools :

There are many automation tools available for testing software. These tools are categorized into three different categories. of automation tools. Test manager can make use of these tools for testing application according to the requirement and testing scenarios. The three categories are :

1. Open Source Tools
2. Commercial Tools
3. Custom Tools

1. Open Source Tools :

As name defines 'Open Source Tools' are the freely available software program for application testing. Herein the source code is freely available for use that can easily be modified as per requirements. These tools are available for performing all type of testing activities, from test cases management to application defect tracking. Open source tools constitutes less features as compared with commercial tools.

2. Commercial Tools :

Commercial tools are software automation tools which are not freely available in market. To use these tools one needs to purchase license from the producer of that tool. These tools are designed for commercial purpose only. One can get proper and reliable support for such automation testing tools from its producer as compared to open-source tools.

3. Custom Tools :

In some software testing project, there is requirement of some special features for testing process and testing environment which cannot be supported by either open source and commercial tools. Therefore, the test team have to choose building their own testing tool that can fulfil their testing requirements. These types of developed tools are known as custom tools.

To save project testing cost one should understand that not all the the application parts are featured to automation testing. Only the areas where frequent changes can be seen, and where regression tests are required will be subjected to automation.

Before test tool selection, the tester must need to analyse the test cases, which needs to be automated. This activity is known as Automation Feasibility Analysis.

Factors which needs to consider before automation testing :
  • Testing feasibility
  • Complexity
  • Application stability
  • Test data
  • Application size
  • Automated scripts reusability
  • Execution environment

Steps followed to select right test automation tool :

  • Identify the test requirement for tools :

For proper and right selection of tool one should have knowledge about the requirement for automation testing. All the identified requirements are documented and analysed by the test management team.

  • Decide the tools & vendors :
After documenting the tools requirement, the project test manager needs to follow some steps :

Identify the best available open source and commercial automation tools as per the project requirement.
Create a list of tools which best meets the testing criteria.
Before short-listing the tool, the reputation of vendor, its support and reviews are checked properly.
Check the quality of the automation tool through trial license usage.

  • Estimation of benefits and cost of tool :
As per the benefits of test, the test manager needs to estimate about cost and benefits of the test tool. The value and benefits must be balanced with cost of the identified tool.

  • Make final decision for tool selection :
For final decision on tool selection, the project test manager should require to have good understanding of the tool including its advantages and disadvantages. Also cost and tool benefits must be balanced.

Conclusion :

The above details are enough to understand the importance of automation tools selection and the steps which test manager needs to follow for selecting an efficient tool. The selection criteria help improving the testing efficiency which in-turn save time and cost of the testing process.